Kevin Durant hopes to give New York ‘a new energy’ through basketball

Kevin Durant thinks he and the rest of the Brooklyn Nets can have a greater impact on New York than simply winning an NBA title.

On more than one occasion, Kyrie Irving has talked about the Brooklyn Nets taking over New York City.

Some New Yorkers and other long-time NBA fans, as well as former players, find it impossible to imagine the Nets being the face of New York basketball. But, the New York Knicks haven’t done much to help themselves over the years.

And now the Nets are both hungry and good — with their roster featuring two superstars, plus several young, talented players.

Well, Brooklyn still only has one superstar who will be active in 2019-20. Kevin Durant isn’t expected to play this season.

But he’s on-board with having a major impact on New York, as he expressed to Steve Bertoni of Forbes:

The team is in the garage stage, where we are putting the idea together. It’s more intimate, everyone understands the goal and has a fresh experience. A championship would be a whole other level, but injecting a new energy into a city through basketball would be even cooler.

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