Katie Nolan asked ESPN friends to invite famous people to a Zoom call and it got out of control

The results are just spectacular. Lin-Manuel Miranda shows up at one point, because why not?

ESPN’s Katie Nolan is hosting her show this week via Zoom, and as part of a bit, she challenged her friends to invite the most famous person they know to the call, and see who they could get to join.

It starts out fun enough, as they get some people in and around the ESPN and media universe to hop on. But then those famous people got in on the act and started inviting their friends, and before you know it, things got completely and totally out of control.

Dwyane Wade shows up. Lin-Manuel Miranda gets on the call at one point. I don’t want to spoil the rest because it’s more fun to watch as it snowballs and snowballs.

This should just be the show every week. I just want to see the famous people phone tree in action. I’ve long thought that every famous person knows all the other famous people and this proves me to be right.

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