Kara Lawson given proper send-off by Cs, all wearing Duke WBB shirts

The entire Boston Celtics organization in the Disney restart gave assistant coach Kara Lawson a proper send off before she heads to Duke.

We have to admit, it got us right in the feels too.

The Boston Celtics gave assistant coach Kara Lawson a most deserved send-off Monday night by surprising her with the entire team sporting Duke Women’s Basketball tee-shirts in a demonstration of solidarity and support for their soon-to-be ex-coach.

Lawson genuinely connected on a deep level with this team, her excellence in her job as much as her earnest personality winning her ardent fans among the franchise’s players and staff; it’s not hard to see why the athletic director at Duke was also so keen to hire her.

In a post on Twitter Tuesday morning, the Tennessee product wrote a message in response to their impressive show of support:

“It’s been an emotional few days for me,” Lawson began.

“And, while I couldn’t be more excited for the opportunity in front of me at Duke University, I would be remiss if I didn’t talk about the team I’m leaving behind. These men have changed my life.

“I have loved my time with the Boston Celtics. Our players are authentic, intelligent, creative and passionate men. They motivated me each day to be my best for them. They surprised me last night by all wearing [Duke Women’s Basketball] T-shirts in an incredible show of support before I head to Durham. I cried. They’d probably laugh [and] tell you I’ve cried a lot these last few days but I will tell you having relationships with players that move you to those kinds of emotions is the most meaningful pursuit one can have as a coach.”

“I love them and I will miss them,” she added.

It’s pretty safe to say the feeling is very mutual.

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