Josh Allen was in total shock after the Bills’ catastrophic penalty on missed Broncos FG

Oh no, Josh Allen. Oh no.

Few teams are as good at snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory like the Buffalo Bills are, and Monday night’s absolute disaster of a loss to the Denver Broncos showed exactly why.

After the Bills somehow got gifted with a missed 41-yard field goal from Broncos kicker Will Lutz on the game’s final play, Buffalo had already taken an Acme-sized anvil and promptly dropped it on its own foot by having 12 men on the field during the botched attempt.

In one of the most avoidable penalties possible in crunch time, a substitution error gave Lutz an immediate chance at redemption, which he nailed to win the game for Denver.

Poor Bills quarterback Josh Allen could only look on in shock at his team committing such an absolutely terrible penalty with the game on the line.

His reaction was truly painful.

That is absolutely brutal for Allen and the Bills, as Buffalo falls to a disappointing 5-5 on the season and could possibly miss the playoffs at this rate in a very competitive AFC.

After a so-so game, Allen did what he could to get his team in position to win. It’s just that, y’know, Buffalo had to go and pull a Buffalo.

Feature image courtesy of ESPN.

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