Josh Allen absolutely tossed a Rams DB with a vicious stiff arm and NFL fans loved it

Allen continues to be an open-field MONSTER!

Josh Allen became the cornerstone of a Super Bowl contender not only because he has a rocket arm. Whenever he finds a seam in the open field, the Bills’ superstar takes full advantage. Even if his running lane is tiny by most players’ standards — Allen makes his own space.

We saw the perfect example of Allen, the quarterback, and Allen, the freight train, against the Rams in the NFL opener on Thursday night. After already rekindling some playoff magic with a favorite target earlier in the night, Allen needed to make something happen on a second-half third and long.

With the Rams hot on the Bills’ trail, it became clear pretty quickly that no one, especially if they tried to tackle him one-on-one, was going to stop Allen. Just ask poor Nick Scott, the first victim of a powerful Allen stiff arm in the 2022 season:

Holy cow. Let’s see another angle of that, shall we?

I’m speechless. Look at the way Allen’s holding the ball so casually. He’s not concerned at all about Scott making a play or stopping his progress. Believe me: That is a quarterback positively locked in on the first-down marker and a lot more.

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