Joel Embiid reacts to Sixers ownership reversing course on employee pay

After the organization announced it was abandoning plans to reduce salary for certain employees, Joel Embiid took to social media to react.

As the world continues to try to react to the challenges presented by the coronavirus, the Philadelphia 76ers have had a whirlwind 24 hours regarding their efforts.

After it was reported Monday that the franchise’s managing group had plans to reduce salary for some employees, said group was roundly criticized for the decision. Some of that criticism even came from within the ownership group.

On Tuesday, they reversed course and announced that they would not be going through with the plan and would be paying the employees their full salaries in a statement from Josh Harris. Harris apologized for “getting this wrong” in regards to the initial plan.

After Harris’ statement came out, Sixers star Joel Embiid took to social media to react to the decision, and he did so in classic Embiid fashion.

Even as we deal with a serious, unprecedented situation, Embiid was able to bring some smiles with his response. As he expressed approval of the organization’s decision to reverse course, he was able to work in a play on his new “do a 180” nickname that was born from a hilarious response to a “Jeopardy!” question regarding his “The Process'” nickname, and, of course, worked his trademark nickname/phrase into the response as well.

In all seriousness, Embiid showed a great amount of compassion and leadership on Tuesday when he announced a $500,000 donation to help both the coronavirus response as well as team employees affected by the salary reduction plan.

The original plan was a poor one, but at least the organization eventually got it right. Sixers fans were angered and embarrassed by the plan, but Embiid’s leadership, generosity, and sense of humor is something they can cling to as we all try to navigate these trying times. [lawrence-related id=28148,28140,28133,28091]