Joe Buck says Troy Aikman was being ‘100 percent sarcastic’ on flyover criticisms

He explained exactly what happened.

Joe Buck (who’s in the middle of a busy stretch of calling the World Series and NFL games) and Troy Aikman are trying to get the record straight about what they meant when a clip of them talking about military flyovers — seemingly mocking them — went viral earlier in the week.

Aikman tweeted that he’s an “unwavering patriot” and that he “supported the men and women in the armed forces.”

Buck went on Daddy Issues, his podcast with actor Oliver Hudson, and addressed the comments and how it all came about. He explained that the audio was recorded during a rehearsal before the Bucs-Packers broadcast and not on a “hot mic.”

But as for what was said during that rehearsal, which included Aikman saying, “That stuff ain’t happening with the Kamala-Biden ticket” — that was Aikman repeating something from a person on the FOX NFL crew had said the night before:

“Troy, in the microphone, is repeating something that he heard the night before from … an unnamed person on our crew, saying — this person happens to be very far-left — ‘Oh, well, under Biden-Harris, that’s not gonna happen!’ And Troy was repeating that, watching the flyover. So they clipped that, as if he’s saying that, as if he’s a Harris-Biden fan. And he’s repeating something that somebody said the night before! … If you know Troy at all, he was being 100 percent sarcastic.”

Buck added that FOX is looking into how that clip was leaked out.

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