Joc Pederson rightfully ripped owners of the Pirates, Orioles and Guardians over pathetic payrolls

These ridiculously cheap owners should be ashamed of themselves.

The 2022 MLB season is set to begin in just a few weeks now that the lockout is over and spring training is underway.

This is the time of year where optimism reigns supreme for a number of fanbases as they start thinking about possible World Series runs even though we are still months way from the playoffs.

I say “a number of fanbases” because we all know that there are a bunch of teams that have no chance at having successful years because their owners don’t want to spend the money necessary to be contenders. It has to stink for those fans because they deserve so much better.

Just look at the payrolls for the Pirates, Orioles, and Guardians:

That’s pathetic, especially when you consider this:

There really is no excuse to be so cheap. The owners should sell the teams to people who actually care and aren’t afraid to pay for a good team.

Braves star Joc Pederson rightfully crushed the three teams:

Well freakin said, Joc. These owners are an embarrassment and should be called out every day until they do the right thing and sell their teams.

MLB Twitter had reactions: