Jimmy Butler pointed at Grant Williams after an and-1 and NBA fans loved it

Jimmy Butler is a master at the art of trolling.

Grant Williams really did poke the bear, didn’t he?

After Williams’ ill-advised trash talk in Game 2 woke up Jimmy Butler and the Miami Heat, it seems as if the Boston Celtics may never recover. By halftime of Sunday’s Game 3, the Heat were up 61-46 as they looked to take a commanding 3-0 lead in the Eastern Conference Final.

And now, there’s no doubt that his clash with Williams that fatefully turned the tide was on Butler’s mind coming into Game 3. In the final few minutes of the first half, Butler got an and-1 off a foul against Williams. After Butler made the bucket, the Heat’s star forward pointed right at Williams, yet another reminder of the pair’s heated exchange.

It certainly adds insult to injury for the Celtics and Williams, who were already reeling from the Heat’s unstoppable offensive attack in Game 3. To get trolled by Butler like that in a blowout is rough stuff.

NBA fans, however, were absolutely delighted by this latest development in the Butler and Williams saga.
