Jim Harbaugh’s court filing as imagined by the For The Win staff

Michigan’s lawyers write with such prose

Following Jim Harbaugh and Michigan’s request for a temporary restraining order against the Big Ten Conference’s three-game sideline suspension of the Wolverine’s head coach, the case landed on the docket of Judge Carol Kunhke after originally being submitted to Judge Timothy Connors

While both judges are Michigan graduates, the case will not be heard until the Friday before Week 12. For The Win obtained* the legal argument submitted by Michigan and has published it in full below.

*Totally made up


Gee, Honorable Kunhke

Ya gotta understand,

Every team is jealous

Of our Michigan Man,

Our schedule may be weak

So the scores are outta hand

Golly Moses, they’re coming for our brand!


Gee, Honorable Kunhke, we’re very upset

We never seem to earn the whole nation’s respect

We ain’t no delinquents

We’re misunderstood

Deep down inside us there is good!

There is good!


There is good, there is good

There is untapped good

Like inside, the worse of us is good


Gee, kindly Big Ten worker

What ever shall we do? 

This Connor Stallions figure came right out of the blue! 

He wore so many costumes 

He stole so many signs! 

Sure it helped us winning, but we didn’t pay a dime!


Right! Tony Petitti, you’re really a square

This team don’t need a coach

Opponents ain’t got a prayer

It’s just their neurosis that oughta be curbed

This whole damn conference is disturbed!


They’re disturbed!

They’re disturbed, they’re disturbed

They’re the most disturbed

Like psychologically disturbed!


Gee, Kindly lawyer bloggers

Your expertise is grand

Your theories all are sound

And your service in demand

Our counselor costs a fortune

But your posts have all been scanned

Golly Moses, that’s why we’re all damned!


Thomas Mars, you’re our final hope

Attorneys for the Big Ten must think you’re a dope

Cause they waited til Friday to dump their results 

There is no one else we can consult! 


We can’t consult!

Can’t consult, Can’t consult 

No one to consult!

Like the offices are closed no consults


The trouble is he’s stealing

The trouble is he cheats

The trouble is he’s winning

The trouble is we’re beat!

We can’t beat him away

We can’t beat him at home

Kuhnke, we got troubles of our own!


Gee, Honorable Kuhnke

We’re all outta rhymes

‘Cause Connor Stalions stole them like he stole all our signs

Gee, Honorable Kuhnke

What are we to do?

Gee, Honorable Kuhnke—

Kuhnk you!