Jim Harbaugh doubles down on Ron Bellamy’s Andrel Anthony-Braylon Edwards comparison

Comparisons aside, he’s going to be a stud this year. #GoBlue

ANN ARBOR, Mich. — Braylon Edwards was a fan favorite and one of the best Michigan football players to ever put on a winged helmet during his time in Ann Arbor. Now, there’s a chance that Jim Harbaugh’s favorite recruit in 2021 could have a similar trajectory.

On Tuesday, Wolverines wide receivers coach Ron Bellamy waxed poetic about how sophomore receiver Andrel Anthony is looking to emulate Edwards, and how it appears to be something of an apt comparison.

“Andrel, one of the guys that he wants to emulate his Braylon,” Bellamy said. “The things that Braylon’s done on the field and if you look at it they’re very similar — body structure and — I can obviously share stories because I played with Braylon for two years and just how brilliant he attacked the game — and Andrel wants to add that to his game”

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Wanting to and being are two different things, of course. But Jim Harbaugh sees a lot of the star receiver from the 2000s in his emerging receiver in 2022.

Of course, we got something of a glimpse of Anthony having a similar skillset a year ago, when he had the big game against Michigan State. He was hampered by injury the very next week against Indiana, but now that he’s returned fully healthy, Harbaugh sees a lot of similarities to Edwards.

But the biggest being work ethic.

“Oh yeah, that’s probably a pretty darn good comparison right there,” Harbaugh said. “I think Andrel is somebody that — just keep doing what you’re doing, Andrel. It is working. And then when I see there’s things he wants to get a little bit better at, he works a little bit harder at them. And he has always avoided getting the big head, so he’s right on track to be a heckuva good player — already is.”

We’ll see come Sept. 3 whether or not Anthony can live up to such vaunted hyperbole. Especially considering he’s one of nine-to-10 receivers who could be heavily involved in the offense once the season arrives.

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