Jets to have representative at Colin Kaepernick’s workout

The Jets will have a representative at Colin Kaepernick’s private workout.

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With the Jets backup quarterback situation in question for next season, they will take a look at Colin Kaepernick.

Kaepernick is participating in a private workout in Atlanta on Saturday for all 32 teams. The Jets will send a representative to watch Kaepernick’s workout, according to ESPN. The event will include an on-field workout followed by an interview.

On Wednesday, Jets head coach Adam Gase was asked about Kaepernick’s upcoming workout, but he declined to discuss the quarterback.

“I got to worry about this week,” Gase told reporters. “That’s what my job is. That’s a question for personnel guys.”

The last time Kaepernick played in the NFL was in 2016 with the 49ers. It was in San Francisco that he began to protest racial and social injustice, kneeling during the national anthem. Before that, he led the 49ers to the Super Bowl in 2012 and made the NFC Championship in 2013. After that, his production started to dip.

Many believe Kaepernick has been blacklisted by the NFL for his kneeling protests that began in 2016. After being released by the 49ers in 2016, Kaepernick filed a grievance against the NFL in 2017. He and the NFL reached a confidential settlement in 2019.

The Jets could use a backup quarterback, but it remains to be seen how real of a shot they or any other team will give Kaepernick.