Jared Goff has been throwing with teammates, including Rams rookies

Jared Goff and the Rams are finding ways to work out together on the side.

The Rams may not be able to practice due to league restrictions, but players have been working out on the side in preparation for the 2020 season. Andrew Whitworth turned his garage into a gym, Aaron Donald has been training back home in Pittsburgh and others have been lifting in their backyards.

Social distancing guidelines have restricted large groups from getting together, but Jared Goff and some of his teammates have found opportunities to throw. Goff and Robert Woods said on conference calls with reporters Wednesday that they’ve been throwing this offseason with no OTAs taking place.

Goff said he’s trained with teammates, including rookies Cam Akers and Brycen Hopkins.

Their training sessions have gone beyond just playing catch, too. Goff has gotten in some seven-on-seven work this offseason, while still following guidelines put in place due to the coronavirus.

On a later conference call, second-year running back Darrell Henderson Jr. seemed to indicate that he has also been part of those workouts with Goff.

Rams players aren’t the only ones getting in work on the field during this modified offseason. Players from other teams have been doing the same, too, even training with those not on the same roster.

For instance, Lamar Jackson was seen working out with Antonio Brown, who’s the cousin of Ravens wideout Marquise Brown.

The Rams won’t be back on the field as a team this month as minicamps have been canceled, but hopefully training camp will take place as it’s scheduled to in July. That will be the Rams’ first opportunity to train together as a team in 2020.