Janoris Jenkins harbors no ill will toward Giants

New Orleans Saints CB Janoris Jenkins says he harbors no ill-will towards the New York Giants despite a rocky three-year relationship.

The relationship between veteran cornerback Janoris Jenkins and the New York Giants had been unique from Day 1, and that carried straight through until his final moments with the team.

Back in mid-December, the Giants waived Jenkins after he used a disparaging word on Twitter, bringing to an end a somewhat bizarre three-year union.

During Jenkins’ tenure with the Giants, he dealt with the murder of his close friend in the basement of his New Jersey home at the hands of his brother, as well as a small handful of incidents that required disciplinary action.

Despite it all, Jenkins harbors no ill-will towards the Giants organization.

During a Bleacher Report AMA (Ask me Anything) on Tuesday, Jenkins said his release from the Giants was merely business and that he hasn’t even given it a second thought.

“Business is business,” Jenkins wrote. “In the game of football, you just gotta do what you can do and leave everything else up to the front office. I wish them well, and I had fun there.”

Jenkins didn’t say much more about the Giants, but expressed an appreciation for some of his NFC East battles, namely with former Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Dez Bryant.

The Jackrabbit has always been honest and upfront about what he’s feeling, so if he says he’s got no issues with the Giants, he means it.

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