James Harden showed incredible kindness to this Michigan State student who was wounded in the shooting on campus

This is the sort of thing the world needs more of.

Mass shootings are absolute tragedies. Some of the worst tragedies we see in this country. They’re happening far too often at this point — there have been 71 total nationwide in 2023, per the Detroit Free Press.

One of the latest happened just a couple of weeks ago at Michigan State University, in which three people were killed and five were wounded.

One of the students who was injured in the shooting was John Gao. He survived the shooting but was tragically paralyzed from the chest down. He’s still currently hospitalized.

As it turns out, Hao is a huge fan of James Harden. The 76ers guard learned of his story and decided he wanted to try and help. So, in an incredible gesture of kindness, he FaceTimed Hao in his hospital bed, sent him gifts and contributed to a GoFundMe for Hao’s recovery.

He gave the student words of encouragement on his road to recovery.

“I love when you’re smiling. I love when you’re smiling, all right? I’m with you. I know it’s tough right now, but you have to stay physically strong, you know what I mean? You just got to think positive things and keep pushing and fighting. I got you. I got some guys for you, too. I got some things coming your way, hopefully give you some encouragement and make you smile a little bit, you know what I mean? Let me know if you need anything else.”

This is such an awesome gesture from Harden. In a situation where it is truly difficult to find any semblance of light, the 76ers guard brought a little bit to the table.

Obviously, this isn’t going to undo the situation or reverse things. But, hopefully, it gives Hao a bit of encouragement and helps him on his road to recovery — however long that may be.

Shoutout to James Harden, man. This is an MVP move.