James Harden on how staying in Brooklyn can help him off the court

James Harden has an eye on building his brand in Brooklyn.

Locking James Harden and Kyrie Irving into long-term contract extensions is a must for the Nets. Harden already believes that in Brooklyn he can expand his brand while competing for a championship. He told Sports Illustrated “I want to build my business side and my brand side more than it already is, and what other place would you do that than Brooklyn? And as long as we win, as long as we handle our business on the court, our work off the court will reach the same level.”

Securing Nets forward Kevin Durant on a contract extension guarantees that business will definitely be handled on the court for the Nets. Now, it will be on Kyrie Irving to keep the band together. In a recent post on Instagram, Irving noted that he still has things left to accomplish: “I’ll never take a god given talent for granted … There is more to this journey.”


With all the speculation that Uncle Drew isn’t all in on basketball, this is reaffirming that he is 100 percent committed despite the chatter. If Brooklyn can manage to lock both Harden and Irving, hearing these statements by both stars is only reassuring that this partnership can work.

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