James Harden had a perfect response to fan who yelled at him about free throws

James Harden had a quick response to a fan sitting courtside.

James Harden is one of the best scorers to ever play the game of basketball, just look at the 60 points he had the other night in only three quarters.

His style of scoring can, however, be a little hard to watch at times as his ability to draw fouls and get to the line a million times a game can get old. But it obviously works for him and the Rockets, so who are we to question how he gets the job done?

Well, a fan at Tuesday night’s Rockets-Spurs game in San Antonio voiced his displeasure with Harden after the guard picked up a foul and headed to the foul line. And Harden fired right back at him.

Fan: “No one wants to see a free throw shooting contest!”

Harden: “Nobody wants to see fouls either, goddammit!”

Check this out:

That was such a quick response from Harden.

While I also get annoyed with all the fouls he picks up, I think his reply is hilarious and great.

[jwplayer rfrVUksM-q2aasYxh]