Jade Cargill on WWE in-ring debut: ‘Everybody should be patient’

Jade Cargill says she’s ready to be in a WWE ring now, but believes in the system and doesn’t want to rush things.

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When WWE signed Jade Cargill in September, the company made the former AEW star seem like a big deal. It was hard to find anyone who wondered why, because Cargill has proven during her short time in the pro wrestling business (she’s only been wrestling for a tad over three years) that she has the look, charisma and “it” factor that are so hard to find as a package deal.

Since then, Cargill has made several appearances on WWE programming, and she’s been training at the Performance Center. But she’s yet to have a match, either on NXT or the main roster, which has left fans anxious about when she may make her debut.

In an interview with The Dallas Morning News, Cargill said that while she feels she’s ring ready now, everyone should just chill and let things unfold naturally.

So, listen, I think the fan base should be patient. I think they need to understand we’re making a diamond. We’re creating something that’s gonna be a legacy. We’re creating something that’s going to create echoes and waves throughout not just the wrestling culture, but pop culture and beyond. They’re setting me up for success, you shouldn’t rush success.

And when she does hit the scene, she suggested that it will be pedal to the metal from that point on.

I trust them. I believe in this system. And when they see me in that ring, understand, there’s no turning back. [WWE]’s believing in everything I’m doing, given me everything that I could fathom. And I’m going to be ready. I’m already ready. But again, it’s on my time, and everybody should be patient. And when I come, just understand I’m taking over.

One potential spot for a debut would be in the Royal Rumble next month in Florida. Some oddsmakers believe it’s a definite possibility, as Cargill is currently tied for the second-best odds to win the Women’s Rumble match with Liv Morgan on Betfair.