J. R. Smith calls out Congress, White House for weak handling of Covid outbreak

Smith’s tweets are just showing all the ways the WH and Congress have failed.

The President of the United States revealed he had contracted coronavirus in the early hours of Friday morning, and, after much contradictory and conflicting information, it’s clear that there’s a Covid-19 outbreak in the White House that has spread to Congress as well.

The numbers are changing rapidly, but upwards of 11 high profile staff members and GOP Senators, many who were present at the Supreme Court nomination ceremony of Amy Coney Barrett, have tested positive for Covid. Basically, the halls of power in D.C are now a Covid hot spot and it’s becoming clearer that institutional laxness in safety protocols are leading to this unprecedented outbreak.

If you’re watching from a distance, like the Lakers’ J.R. Smith, this mishmash of uncertainty over testing protocols, communication and lack of quarantining is leading to some obvious and frustrating questions. Namely, how is it that Congress and the White House are getting this so wrong?

“I’ve been tested every single day since being in the bubble! How is it Congress doesn’t have a testing protocol? Just watching #CNN,” Smith, who has been inside the NBA bubble for months, tweeted. 

The NBA was the first league that pulled the plug on their season after Rudy Gobert’s positive test, setting off a chain of events that caused much of the country to shut down and potentially saved countless lives. They were forced to lead in the absence of any federal government directive, which Smith points out, isn’t how things should be.

Also, it is indeed “beyond crazy” that Congress doesn’t have testing protocols in place when the NBA and other leagues proved that they are doable and that they work to keep players and staff safe.

Smith also pointed out the hypocrisy when it comes to only certain people having to follow Covid protocols. The NBA had strict guidelines in place, punishing players for even getting take out before they cleared their quarantine window.  Meanwhile. the newly diagnosed White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, who had known exposure to the virus, had continued to brief reporters without a mask for days.

The double standard here is fairly obvious and you know things are super messed up when J.R. Smith is the voice of reason.