Insider’s Scoop: Erin Blanchfield gets fast track, UFC Seoul’s nixing, Brandon Moreno, BKFC expansion, more

MMA Junkie’s Nolan King shares news tidbits and rumblings from around the MMA world.

Before we get into the crux of what you all showed up for (news), we want to re-introduce you to the “Insider’s Scoop.”

Every once in and while, our reporters, when enough noteworthy developments have piled up, will release news in an easy-to-digest roundup for the MMA Junkie audience.

From fight rumblings to event locations and dates to roster departures and more, various tidbits and under-the-radar pieces of news will be featured each time “Insider’s Scoop” is released.

So without further ado, here’s the latest edition of “Insider’s Scoop.”