Indiana latest to suspend football workouts after positive COVID-19 tests

The Hoosiers football team had zero positive COVID-19 tests just a few short weeks ago but are now suspending voluntary workouts.

If you’ve been keeping tabs on college football teams and their COVID-19 results you may remember that along with Notre Dame and Michigan, Indiana has been one who has seemingly handled the situation well.

A June 23 report showed the Hoosiers having zero positive tests among the 187 that were administered.

Unfortunately that number is on the rise as six Hoosiers football players tested positive in the most recent series of tests, forcing the University to suspend voluntary workouts for the time being.

Obviously being in Indiana is one reason for posting this on a Notre Dame site but also relevant is that Indiana’s football team had zero positive tests a few short weeks ago. Notre Dame also had zero positive tests the last time the team went through the testing process.

What it means is just because it hasn’t seriously effected a team yet doesn’t mean it won’t.

Here’s to hoping this is just a speed bump for the Hoosiers as they’re now on the list of more than ten teams who have to suspend workouts due to COVID-19 outbreaks.