How Twitter reacted to Notre Dame-BYU: Irish side

How do you feel after that?

Notre Dame fans surely will tell you that their team’s 28-20 win over BYU in the annual Shamrock Series game should have gone better. That shouldn’t be a surprise given the high standard the program historically has set, and fans are right to want the program to uphold that standard. However, they don’t give extra points or wins for style, so the Irish and their fans will have to be content with getting over .500 for the first time this season. People probably aren’t happy that that had to wait until October, but all’s well that ends well.

If you want to know how Irish fans in general feel after this game, look no further than Twitter. No matter how they expressed themselves, they all are happy just the same with a victory not everyone predicted would come. Here’s a general sense of Irish fans’ thoughts after the victory in Las Vegas: