How did he take the general fan disdain …

How did he take the general fan disdain for the rebrand/new jerseys? Ryan Smith: “Did they [react negatively]?” he began facetiously. “I love our fans. Fan is short for fanatic. We have an incredible fanbase. … If you take a step back, our goal with our rebrand is to say, first, we wanted to bring purple back. I know people say that’s an afterthought … [but] we’re gonna release four purple jerseys in the next 36 months. I also believe that we want to get a cleaner, simplified look … and have a unified color scheme that we can work with throughout the state. “The data showed that purple was the No. 1 purchase online, and then when people got into the store, it was black and yellow, which was interesting. Look, it’s an evolution. Brands are going to evolve. There’s probably a fair argument we went a little too clean. OK. But it will evolve.”