Houston Cougars: CFN College Football Preview 2021

College Football News Preview 2021: Previewing, predicting, and looking ahead to the Houston season with what you need to know.

Houston Cougars College Football Preview 2021: What Will Happen, Season Prediction

Enough is enough. It’s time for this Dana Holgorsen era to finally get going and start to make Houston the powerhouse program in the American Athletic Conference again.

It’s been a bizarre two year with the interesting – I’ll say it; it should’ve worked – move in 2019 to go all young and build for the future after an epic late play by Tulane led to a 1-3 start for the Cougars. And then, of course, 2020 was 2020, and Houston was one of those programs that just couldn’t get the season up and flying with any sort of normalcy.

But there’s a positive out of all of that.

This year’s team is loaded with veterans, it’s full of quality depth, and it was able to work the transfer portal to fill in the gaps.

It would be nice to have a sure-thing backup quarterback in case disaster strikes, and there needs to be more of a pass rush, a better running game, and a few tweaks here and there, but this is it. This is the time when the luck and breaks go the other way, and none are bigger than …

The schedule.

Set The Houston Cougars Regular Season Win Total At … 9

Texas Tech is a bit of a toss-up, but Rice, Grambling State and UConn all have to be wins. And then there’s the American Athletic Conference run …

No UCF. No Cincinnati. Memphis is a home game and so is – it might really matter this year – SMU.

If you’re a team looking to win something important, conference road games against Tulsa, Tulane, USF and Temple can’t be your barrier.

It’s a conference loaded with talent, experience, and national notoriety. Houston has the ability to take over again.


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