Hockey world shows support for Luke Prokop after he becomes first gay NHL player on active contract

“I’m finally gonna be able to breathe and exhale and show the world the real me.”

Nashville Predators prospect Luke Prokop is now the first NHL player on an active contract to come out as gay. In a statement posted Monday morning on Twitter, the Calgary Hitmen defenseman shared his truth with the world for the first time.

Less than a month after Carl Nassib became the first active NFL player to come out as gay, Prokop’s announcement surprised the hockey world as the first NHL player to come out. The sport of hockey has had its share of gay athletes over the years, but Prokop is the first on a NHL contract.

Here is Prokop’s statement on Twitter announcing the news.

In the statement, Prokop said that he hopes “that in sharing who [he] is [he] can help other people see that gay people are welcome in the hockey community, as we work to make sure that hockey truly is for everyone.”

Prokop also spoke with ESPN’s Emily Kaplan on Monday about his decision to come out and what it means to him and the hockey world as a whole.

Hockey fans, teams, and media members expressed their support on Twitter for Prokop and his incredibly brave and courageous decision to put himself out there and live his life proudly.

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