Here’s what Twitter’s new ‘Fleets’ feature is all about


Welcome to FTW Explains, a guide to catching up on and better understanding stuff going on in the world.

Twitter announced on Tuesday that it was rolling out a new feature known as “Fleets,” which sound really familiar if you use other social media platforms. And they should sound familiar! They’re REALLY similar.

The reaction was basically that, along with lots of people wondering, “do we really need these?”

If you’re wondering what the heck this is all about, that’s what we’re here for. Let’s break down what Fleets are and how you can use them on Twitter going forward.

What’s this now?


I thought you said this was an explainer.

I just like saying it out loud.

What the heck is a Fleet?

Fleeting tweets = fleets. They’re basically little photos, videos and texts you can post on Twitter BUT they’re not actual tweets. Fleets live for 24 hours and disappear.

So they’re basically like Instagram Stories?

… Yep.

Or Snapchat Stories?


Or Facebook Stories?

Uhhh … yeah.

What’s the point here?

According to Twitter’s blog, it’s to get more conversation going on the site. Users might not want to tweet more “casual thoughts,” so maybe they’ll Fleet them:

Those new to Twitter found Fleets to be an easier way to share what’s on their mind. Because they disappear from view after a day, Fleets helped people feel more comfortable sharing personal and casual thoughts, opinions, and feelings. These are early findings from our tests and we’re excited to learn more about how Fleets are used by you.

How do I do it?

Fast Company has the answer:

1. Tap the “Share” icon at the bottom on a tweet.

2. Select “Share in Fleet.”

3. Add whatever you want—text, photos, videos, emojis, etc. (Currently, live broadcasting and stickers aren’t available for Fleets, but the company says they’re coming.)

4. If you choose to, customize your background and text.

What about an edit button on tweets?

We’re still waiting for it.

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