Happy Twosday! Everyone’s celebrating the fact that it’s 2/22/22 with memes


A rare event is happening on Tuesday … er, Twosday.

In case you didn’t notice: It’s February 22, 2022. Or, as it’s written a certain way, 2/2/22.

This only comes along once a decade — 1/1/11 was 11 years ago, 3/3/33 will be in over 11 years. So everyone’s nicknamed this Twosday, because hey, it falls on a Tuesday! And so if you woke up and were wondering what all that “TWOSDAY!” stuff on your timeline means, there you go. It’s funny, but you’ve gotta celebrate this once-in-a-decade occurrence.

But if you factor in that it’s 2022, this is SUPER rare to have so many twos.

The phrase was trending on Twitter Twosday morning, so in order to celebrate, we’ve collected a bunch of tweets about 2/2/22. Here they are: