Grading Oregon basketball’s new floor design and appearance

Hey Ducks: Basketball courts are not meant for writing a term paper.

The Oregon Ducks are joining the USC Trojans in moving to the Big Ten. Oregon put down a new basketball court to replace the old “Deep In The Woods” look which annoyed people both in and outside of Eugene. The new court design still has “Deep In The Woods” written on the fresh hardwood floor, but the look is substantially different.

Ducks Wire wrote this:

“The day has finally come for the Oregon Ducks to unveil the new court design at Matthew Knight Arena. Kilkenny Court, which originally opened with the arena back in 2011, has seen a couple of small changes over the last decade, but the recent redesign completely wiped the slate clean and started fresh as the Ducks prepare for a new world in the Big Ten Conference.

“While the old court featured fir trees of brownish tints surrounding the borders, the new design swaps the brown for green and brightens up the arena tenfold.”

Here is our grade for the court, whose images you can see at the Ducks Wire link provided above.

We start with the simple point that Oregon’s sharp green is the dominant color, as it should be. The old court was brown and rusty, a terrible aesthetic presentation. Green with some yellow accents is exactly the color structure which should be used. Color scheming and layout are superb.

There is still a “Deep In The Woods” flavor to the court, but the forest is more muted than in the previous version. It’s tasteful and not overpowering.

The only problem with the court is that there’s way too much writing on it. “Deep In The Woods” and “Kilkenny Court” appear twice, in both corners. Having players spot up for corner threes with words stuffed between the out of bounds lines and the 3-point arc is excessive and cluttered. “Deep In The Woods” should appear once, and it should be out of bounds at midcourt, in front of the scorer’s table. “Kilkenny Court” should appear just under “Matthew Knight Arena” at midcourt.

The colors and accents are great. There’s too much writing. Our grade: B-plus. Don’t you Ducks know when to use restraint?

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