Golf fans were livid USA ended coverage of The Open to air The Fast and The Furious

Fans trying to watch The Open got furious very fast

Technically speaking, Dom Toretto and your average pro golfer have plenty in common.

Win or lose, both end the day with family. Dom lives his life a quarter-mile at a time. That’s 440 yards, about the same distance as a tough Par 4. Still, it would’ve been nice if viewers of The Open in the United States could see a little more of the action at Royal Liverpool and a little less of Vin Diesel drag racing.

The U.S. broadcast of The Open did fans a favor by extending their window to show the dramatic end to Rory McIlroy’s first round, but it quickly switched over to a regularly scheduled re-airing of 2001’s The Fast And The Furious.

Understandably, many golf fans were not pleased by this development and it’s hard to blame them. A fully uninterrupted broadcast of a major tournament — let alone the final major of the year — isn’t a lot to ask for.

The Open Championship: Live leaderboard, Schedule, Tee times