Go on a virtual hike through Michigan’s Tahquamenon Falls State Park

You’ve got to see the waterfall.

Take a trip to paradise — Paradise, Michigan, that is. This charming small town near Lake Superior is home to one of the state’s most stunning natural wonders. Tahquamenon Falls State Park welcomes guests seeking peaceful forested hikes and majestic waterfall views. Everyone is welcome to explore this gorgeous landscape. Campers can choose from several campgrounds, daytrippers can lounge at the nearby lodge, and hikers can wander the scenic trails. Additionally, accessible overlooks and a track chair (available to borrow at the park) help everyone get a chance to enjoy the park’s beauty.

Want to experience this destination for yourself? Get a sneak peek of what you can expect to see at Tahquamenon Falls State Park with this virtual hike. The pictures below will take you on a digital trip that hits the park’s top attractions. And before you go, check out this fundraiser supporting Michigan’s state parks track chairs project.