Giants will travel 22,600-plus miles in 2023

The New York Giants will travel 22,614 miles in 2023 which is 2,426 more miles than they traveled a year ago, which included a London trip.

The New York Giants will be the 12th most-traveled team in the NFL this season. As usual, the Seattle Seahawks will be at the top of the list.

In total, the Giants will travel 22,614 miles and make stops in 20 different time zones.

The Giants will have their yearly trips to Dallas, Philadelphia, and Washington and another short flight to Buffalo but will play in several distant locations such as Las Vegas, Arizona, San Francisco, New Orleans, and Miami. The extra away game will naturally add to their travel total.

Comparatively, and despite a trip to London, the Giants traveled just 20,188 miles a season ago, which was eighth-most in the league. The 22,614 miles they will travel this season would have been the sixth-most in 2022.

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