Giants’ Joe Judge: ‘High trust factor’ led to hiring of Amos Jones

New York Giants head coach Joe Judge says a “high trust factor” led to the hiring of Amos Jones as an assistant coach.

The New York Giants officially announced the hiring of Amos Jones on Wednesday afternoon, defining his job as “assistant coach/special projects and situations.”

What that means is that Jones will essentially serve as a bench coach for Jones, helping him with game management, game planning and other essentials.

“Amos is someone I’ve known for quite some time,” Judge said, via press release. “I have a high trust factor with him. He’s definitely somebody who has worked consistently throughout his career with a number of organizations dealing with situations. He’s got an eye for all sides of the ball. He’ll help with a lot of special projects that will come up throughout the season with evaluation of ourselves and our opponents.

“I think everybody on our staff will bring value from their own experiences and it will tie together and complement each other. Amos brings a wealth of experience to our team.”

Judge and Jones obviously have a personal and long-standing relationship dating back to their time as Mississippi State. In fact, the duo even share a birthday (December 31), although Jones is 22 years Judge’s senior.

The 60-year-old Jones is entering his 40th year in football, having spent the last 13 of those years in the NFL, most recently as a member of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

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