Giants fans are running laps in solidarity with Joe Judge, players

Fans of the New York Giants are beginning to run laps in solidarity with head coach Joe Judge and his players.

New York Giants head coach Joe Judge has come under fire for making his coaches and players run laps if they commit a mistake during practice, with former Giants linebacker Emmanuel Acho going as far as to call it “imbecilic.”

Despite the outcry, Judge has refused to back down.

“We’re trying to demand the best out of everybody and make them improve every day. We’re not letting details slip,” Judge told reporters on Tuesday. “We’re very demanding. This is a tough job. We’re in New York City. This is a tough place to play and coach.

“We have to have guys who are thick-skinned and understand we have to operate in high pressure situations. We can’t go out there on the practice field and just sing ‘Kumbaya’ together and think we’re going to advance.”

As the criticism ramps up, so does the support for Judge. And in an effort to counterbalance the outcry, some Giants fans and even members of the media — myself included — have begun to run laps in solidarity with Judge and his players.

Our friends Justin Penik and Bobby Skinner from Talkin’ Giants and Clem from Barstool Sports have done the same.

Warning: There is one quick instance of NSFW talk in Clem’s video.

Some Giants fans aren’t big on running so they’ve decided to substitute in burpees, but the sentiment remains the same. They are supportive of Judge’s style and his leadership.

It’s a new era in East Rutherford and you’re getting a sense of it through Big Blue’s most faithful.

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