George R.R. Martin: Giants’ defensive collapse has been heartbreaking

George R.R. Martin is expressing his New York Giants heartbreak once again, this time pining over the team’s poor defense.

George R.R. Martin, who drew fame by bringing his imaginations to life through literature and film, is arguably one of the most pessimistic and draining New York Giants fans in the world.

Yes, Martin very clearly bleeds blue and sticks with his team through thick and thin, but he makes sure everyone in earshot knows how much he’s suffering when the games don’t go his way.

Throughout the 2019 season, Martin occasionally pops his head from under a rock to complain about the current state of the team and offer his sour view of how far they’ve fallen, which was again the case this past week.

“One of the hallmarks of the Giants was always great defense. It was the first franchise in the league where the fans started cheering ‘De-fense, de-fense,'” Martin said. “To see this defense just collapsing and just giving up lead after lead is heartbreaking for a Giants fan.”

Martin isn’t wrong in his assessment and it’s something every Giants fan pines over, but there is a level of exhaustion that comes from hearing the same thing over and over again.

But like most fans trying to wade through this nightmare of a near-decade, Martin allows emotions from the past to fuel today’s negativity.

“The Giants’ two Super Bowl wins, you know, in recent memory. They were both amazing,” Martin said. “We were huge underdogs in both of those games, which made the win that much sweeter. The first time, in Super Bowl XLII, the Giants were a Wild Card team. They were on the road, and the talking heads on television picked against them every game.”

The Giants will eventually rise back to the top and we’ll all be thankful for sticking with them through this rough patch, Martin included.

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