George Iloka details Bengals’ internal strife over kneeling during anthem

A former Cincinnati Bengals player has spoken out about events from 2017.

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The Cincinnati Bengals didn’t kneel during the national anthem in 2017 after San Francisco quarterback Colin Kaepernick did so to protest racial injustice and police brutality, inciting the ire of President Donald Trump.

Instead, Bengals players and coaches — headed up by Marvin Lewis — interlocked arms in a sign of unity.

But former Bengals safety George Iloka has come forth with a behind-the-scenes look at what went down leading up to the sideline display.

According to more than 10 players who spoke with Elise Jesse of WLWT, many Bengals players wanted to kneel during the anthem that weekend of Week 3.

Iloka said the following:

“A lot of people, myself in particular, wanted to kneel. It was a big issue and that was weighing heavily on my heart, it was weighing heavy on my mind, and obviously it was weighing heavy on a lot of people’s hearts and minds across the NFL, and across the nation particularly with African Americans. It wasn’t just me that felt some kind away about that.”

Iloka says a player meeting roughly numbering 30 had split results on the topic. The team then called an emergency meeting the Saturday before the game, featuring a rare appearance from Mike Brown.

Per Jesse:

“He pretty much says, ‘I don’t want you guys kneeling.’ He said our fans will crush us.”

Other players noticed that Mike Brown’s words carried the weight of an emotional tone.

“He just begged, like really begged. That was my first time seeing or hearing anything like that — very emotional. That was my only time seeing that it was different. The bottom line is that he was begging us, please do not kneel. He didn’t want the backfire that was going to come from it.”

Another player told Jesse “he would not expect to get a good contract offer the following year” if he had knelt.

A team spokeswoman issued the following reply: “Mr. Brown met with all players while the team was in Green Bay. A positive and open discussion ensued. Mr. Brown shared with players his preference, but said he was not directing them what to do.”

Viewpoints on kneeling have taken a dramatic shift recently given world events, so Cincinnati’s approach to this wasn’t uncommon at the time. For example, Brown had reportedly asked then free-agent safety Eric Reid whether he’d kneel during the anthem which resulted in a grievance. An arbitrator ruled the Bengals were within their right to ask.

The Bengals remain firm in their stance of action, not words or demonstrations, the latest example being their standing as the last AFC North team to issue a statement concerning nationwide protests — but while issuing a pledge of $250,000 to community initiatives.

Incoming No. 1 pick and franchise quarterback Joe Burrow has been very outspoken, so we’ll see if anything on demonstrating during the national anthem has changed within the walls of Paul Brown Stadium soon enough

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