Gators News: August 26, 2020

Welcome to a humpday edition of Gators News in which we find ourselves exactly one month away from the opener of the SEC 2020 football 2020.

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Welcome to a humpday edition of Gators News in which we find ourselves exactly one month away from the opening game of the Southeastern Conference’s 2020 fall football schedule amidst the novel coronavirus epidemic.

At the top of the news, USA TODAY Sports’ Dan Wolken talks about how college presidents hold fate of football season in their hands. Says professor emeritus of epidemiology and biostatistics at South Carolina’s Arnold School of Public Health Harris Pastides, “It’s always lonely at the top.”

Here in the SEC, Vanderbilt football resumes practices after a five-day pause due to positive COVID-19 tests. On Wednesday morning, coach Derek Mason tweeted, “Workout Wednesday has begun … 5:45 a.m. weights – Done! Class work to grass work … we’re back.”

In other coronavirus news, The Oklahoman’s Jenni Carlson discusses how Oklahoma football a walked tight rope that all of college football might soon face due to COVID-19. To understand the high-wire act that is college football, listen to what Lincoln Riley had to deal with last week.

Around the Swamp

It’s great to be a Florida Gator!

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