Five takeaways from the Badgers’ 17-7 loss to Northwestern

The Wisconsin Badgers entered Evanston, Illinois yesterday with the chance to knock off the 4-0 Northwestern Wildcats and take control…

The Wisconsin Badgers entered Evanston, Illinois yesterday with the chance to knock off the 4-0 Northwestern Wildcats and take control of the Big Ten West division.

If you’ve followed Badger football over the years you know Northwestern is always a tough place to play and makes for a perfect trap game scenario. Well, that was the case yesterday as Paul Chryst and his team fell 17-7.

Related: Studs and duds from Wisconsin’s disappointing loss to Northwestern

There is a lot to take away from the game, including young players continuing to break out, an impressive performance on one side of the football, a key player practically losing the game for the Badgers and more.

Here are five main takeaways from the Badgers’ loss yesterday to Northwestern: