Final Fantasy 16 producer says the story is ‘very fleshed out’

Naoki Yoshida also hopes lapsed series fans return for this entry.

There hasn’t been much information on Final Fantasy 16 over the past few months, but producer Naoki Yoshida gave fans a minor update on how things are going.

On Friday, Twitch streamer Aitai Kimochi shared an unofficial translation of several comments Yoshida recently made in Uniqlo Magazine’s Final Fantasy 35th anniversary edition. 

“We’re in the final stages of development for Final Fantasy 16,” Yoshida said. “We aim to deliver a comprehensive game full of story and gameplay. Unlike an online game that involves many players at the same time, Final Fantasy 16 offers a different experience where it focuses on the individual player and immerses you in the story. I think it’s a very fleshed-out story.”

It’s not much, but most fans will take any scraps regarding the game at this point. Last December, Yoshida said we would see more of Final Fantasy 16 in spring 2023. Well, we’re technically in spring now, so hopefully, there’s something substantial soon.

Curiously, Yoshida also addressed a specific subset of fans.

“For those who have grown up and realized that reality isn’t kind to you and have drifted away from Final Fantasy, we hope that Final Fantasy 16 will be a game that can bring back [the passion] you once had with the series,” Yoshida concludes. 

GLHF recently spoke with Yoshida about constructive criticism from Final Fantasy 14 fans and why Sastasha is in Stranger of Paradise.

Written by Kyle Campbell on behalf of GLHF.

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