Fans shamefully harassing Diar DeRozan after the Bulls-Raptors game show some people don’t deserve sports

I wish I could say I was surprised by this shameful behavior from fans

Well. The Diar DeRozan thing was fun while it lasted. But then Toronto Raptors fans had to go on and ruin it by harassing a 9-year-old for cheering on her dad.

Yes, you read that correctly.

Diar DeRozan stole headlines last week during the Bulls play-in matchup against the Raptors. Every time the Raptors went to the free throw line, she screeched. And, coincidentally, it actually seemed to work. The Raptors shot uncharacteristically poorly from the free throw line and lost the game.

Now, obviously, whatever help Diar DeRozan gave the Bulls that night was minimal at best. These are professional basketball players. People scream at them every night. A 9-year-old girl ain’t making a world of difference here. Sorry.

But some fans didn’t take it that way, for whatever reason.

Diar DeRozan actually had to be escorted out of the game because she received online threats after the game, according to reporting from Bleacher Report’s Chris Haynes.

Listen, man. There’s not really much to say about this. There’s no need to really break it down. This is just shameful behavior by some fans looking for a power trip.

So what if your team lost? Or maybe your parlay didn’t hit because the team missed some shots. Diar DeRozan didn’t have anything to do with that. She was just there, supporting her dad the best way she could. Doing what we all should be doing — having fun. We’re all here to have a good time because — say it with me — it’s truly not that serious.

This is why some people don’t need sports. Nah — I’ll take it a step further. It’s why some people don’t deserve sports. What a shame.