F1 should stay at 10 teams – Stroll

Aston Martin owner Lawrence Stroll says Formula 1 “has never been in a better place” and therefore should not accept Andretti’s bid to be a new team on the gird. The FIA has approved Andretti as the only team that can move onto discussions with …

Aston Martin owner Lawrence Stroll says Formula 1 “has never been in a better place” and therefore should not accept Andretti’s bid to be a new team on the gird.

The FIA has approved Andretti as the only team that can move onto discussions with Formula One Management (FOM) following full applications from a total of four teams and expressions of interest from many others. However, Andretti still faces stern opposition from within F1, as well as from existing teams who are unwilling to accept a potential drop in revenues. Stroll said he doesn’t want the sport to change what he believes is a successful formula.

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“I think F1 at the moment, the business is on fire, the sport has never been in a better place, and I believe if it ain’t broke you don’t need to fix it,” Stroll told Sky Sports. “So I’m a strong believer that it’s working really well with 10 teams right now and believe that’s the way it should stay.

“There’s never been more fans or spectators, the audience is the highest it has ever been. I continue to see substantial growth, particularly in the United States which is the largest consumer market in the world. As you know we now have three races in the States – we’re in our second year in Miami, we’re going to Las Vegas in November, so I see tremendous growth possibilities going forward.”

Despite Stroll’s comments, his current driver Fernando Alonso is more supportive of Andretti’s credentials having worked with the iconic name on his Indianapolis 500 debut in 2017.

“Yeah, a great team,” Alonso said. “I know Michael and it would obviously be a great name to add to Formula 1, but there are other people in charge of this kind of decision. First the FIA, and then FOM and the teams as well. For me, I don’t know exactly what to say, whatever is the final decision is going to be OK.

“I like Michael, I like the organization, but I also understand other things and I will support as well whatever Aston Martin’s position is and I will be OK with anything.”

Red Bull’s Sergio Perez agrees with Alonso’s stance, although many drivers appeared reluctant to voice their opinions on whether a new team should be added to the grid when facing the media on Thursday.

“It’s a good name to have in Formula 1 obviously, but at the same time that decision doesn’t really rely on us so let’s wait and see,” Perez said. “But it would be a good name and certainly a good team to bring into the sport and see what happens in the end.”