Ex-Bills RB Frank Gore: Police once ‘put a gun to my head’

Ex-Buffalo Bills, current New York Jets running back Frank Gore on a time a gun was pointed at him.

Everyone loves Frank Gore, and even though he’s now a former member of the Bills, he’s still a beloved figure in the NFL community.

With social issues at a fever pitch in the United States currently thanks to the Black Lives Matter movement. Gore spoke out on a scary story in his past recently in light of this. The new Jets running back is no stranger to social and racial injustice in the United States.

The 35-year-old was raised in Coconut Grove, Fla., which is known as one of the toughest neighborhoods in Miami-Dade County. Gore, catting with the New York Post, reflected on a time while he was a football star at Coral Gables High School and he was he was racially profiled.

The incident got scary as the then student-athlete was held at gunpoint, just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

“Me growing up in a tough neighborhood, I’ve been through some stuff that … and I was a good kid, man. When I was a young kid, I used to have dreads and I used to have golds (teeth). I remember one time police jumped out on me, put a gun to my head and everything, just because where I was at, and how I looked,” Gore said.

With a gun aimed at him, Gore thought about running from the police. However, the high school junior elected to stay put, comply and hope for the best.

“I just stayed there and had my hands up,” Gore said. “I was scared, man. In my neighborhood, no good areas where we come up from. I did what they told me to. They thought I was gonna run. When I went back to school and I told my coaches, my coaches made me cut my hair. I was scared. My first instinct was about to run.”

Naturally because of this terrifying incident Gore is very much in support of ongoing peaceful protests and pushes for change in today’s society.

“We just need to keep going with it,” Gore said of the Black Lives Matter movement.


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