Everything you need to know about Cooper Flagg, Duke’s newest big recruit

Cooper Flagg is Duke’s newest big recruit, but how good is he? Come find out here.

If you thought Duke was just going to fade away into the ether after Coach K retired, think again.

Duke is back with a vengeance. And it’ll have one of the best high school basketball players we’ve seen in years to back it up. Cooper Flagg has officially committed to playing at Duke next season.

News broke Monday morning on Flagg’s commitment to the Blue Devils via Slam Magazine. The publication released the announcement along with the latest cover featuring Flagg in a Blue Devils jersey. Duke haters, please look away. I know it hurts.

RELATED: Cooper Flagg went to Duke and we have no choice but to hate him now

For those of you who aren’t as in the loop on Flagg’s talent, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. Here’s everything you need to know about this truly special basketball talent.