Eli Rogers plays for XFL Defenders during mother’s funeral

The XFL DC Defenders’ Eli Rogers played Saturday despite his mother’s funeral going on at the same time as the game.

The DC Defenders scored a touchdown on their opening drive against the New York Guardians Saturday.

One of the key players in the march was Eli Rogers, who made three catches for 50 yards in the march.

The touchdown went to DeAndre Thompkins. However, Rogers, the former Pittsburgh Steeler, is the story. And the story of the game.

Rogers was playing despite his mother passing away during the week. Tom Luginbill on the ABC broadcast informed the national audience Rogers made the decision to stay with the team despite his mom’s funeral going on at the same time as the game.

Rogers will leave the team immediately after the contest to join his family.

That is the ultimate definition of playing with a heavy heart. His mom, Tranae Jackson, has been living with AIDS since Rogers was 8. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette told their story. You can read it here.

“We’ve had real-life struggles. Some days, nothing to eat. Some days, moving here and there. It was a real struggle. To see my sisters looking up to me, and my big brother looking up to me, it’s really humbling, man. That’s why I come out and work so hard, to be able to provide for my family.

… “For her to be living, for her to be where she is now … because 10 years ago, five years ago, she wasn’t in this state of mind,” Rogers said in 2017. “To witness a person in the dark, and to come back to life, that speaks volumes. If that alone doesn’t make you believe in yourself, I don’t know what can.”

Rogers told the Steelers’ team site in 2016 his mom was his inspiration.

What motivates you in football or in life?
Just being an underdog. All my life I was kind of an underdog or in a shadow of things. My mom, my family, my story and my life in general.