Eli Manning tells graduates to embrace life’s ‘awkward’ moments

Retired New York Giants QB Eli Manning gave a commencement speech this week in which he told graduates to embrace awkward moments.

There’s no question we’re in awkward period in our history with everyday life being altered by the COVID-19 restrictions. Conventional events such as weddings, graduations and other spring staples have been either cancelled or tailored to meet certain guidelines.

When it comes to graduations, many of the ceremonies have taken the virtual route with famous keynote speakers, such as Barack Obama and LeBron James — giving mass commencement addresses.

Former New York Giants quarterback Eli Manning recently did his part, speaking at iHeartMedia’s campaign “Commencement Speeches for the Class of 2020” along with other celebrities including John Legend, Hillary Clinton, Tim McGraw and Bill and Melinda Gates.

Eli admitted the entire situation was awkward but weaved that theme into his address.

“Am I the only one that thinks this is kinda weird?’” Manning asked. “Virtual graduations?’

“You see, I don’t mind being in awkward situations or doing things I don’t necessarily want to do… Like becoming the Giants backup quarterback after winning two Super Bowls and walking away with the MVP. Embracing awkward is worth cultivating, because life, like this graduation, rarely goes as planned.’”

Manning’s career, ironically, did go as planned until the very end. Once he was handed the starting quarterback job midway through his rookie season he started every game (except one) for the next 15 years, guiding Big Blue to two Super Bowl championships.

Manning closed his address with some words of wisdom.

“Don’t downgrade your dreams to fit today’s halting reality. Don’t let the new normal be an excuse for standing in place. It is up to you not to become the class that never was,” Manning said. “If you haven’t already, it’s time to discover your own unique grade of rocket fuel and to blast off. Trust yourself. Your future trajectory is up to you.”

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