Eli Manning believes Giants are headed in the right direction

Eli Manning believes the New York Giants are headed in the right direction under head coach Joe Judge.

Eli Manning may no longer be a member of the New York Giants but like most fans, he still keeps up with the team. And like those fans, he feels optimistic about the organization’s future.

While speaking with CNBC on Tuesday, Manning said the Giants appear to be headed in the right direction under head coach Joe Judge and that the playoffs don’t seem too far off.

“I’m excited about what they’ve done in free agency. They’ve added a few key players to help out, and I really like coach Judge and what he’s doing and how he’s leading that team,” Manning said. “I think they’re heading in the right direction. They’re a young team and I think they’ve got a bright future.

“I try to keep up with a few of the players that are still there from when I was there, and root them on. Obviously, I’m a Giants fans now. So, I hope they get back to the playoffs and Super Bowls and have great success soon.”

Manning also revealed what was already known, acknowledging that he’s had some conversations with co-owner John Mara & Co. about finding a role within the organization.

“I’ve had some talks with the Giants about possibly get back in with the organization doing different things,” Manning said without adding any additional context.

Mara had previously told reporters that there would always be a role for Manning within the organization, and then the two met face-to-face in January to discuss the possibilities.

For now, Manning remains a relaxed outsider focused on building his own brand. But when the fit is found, he’ll undoubtedly return to the Giants in whatever capacity allows him to benefit the team.

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