Elephant breaks van window to get food; child is terrified

Video shows elephant reaching into a van with its trunk in Yala National Park in Sri Lanka as a child reacts in fear.

An elephant charged out of the trees, aggressively approached a van and smashed a window to search for food, reaching with its trunk behind the driver and into the backseat as a child reacted in fear.

“Can we get out, I’m scared?” the child can be heard saying in the video.

The incident occurred to Kasun Basnayake and his family in Yala National Park in Sri Lanka, according to the BBC. Basnayake, from Perth, Australia, had hired a driver for the outing, and he had difficulty putting the van into gear to drive away.

“It started sniffing around our feet for food and the driver told us to give it anything we had so I fed it my son’s leftover sandwich,” Basnayake told the BBC. “He told me to throw the rest out the window, so I did and the driver then managed to speed off…Those sandwiches and chips probably saved our lives.”

No one was injured, the BBC reported.