Douglas Farmer: Fans at Notre Dame Stadium should be fully vaccinated

What do you make of this?

Like many other states, all of Indiana is experiencing high transmission of COVID-19 as the U.S. weathers the spread of the Delta variant. In St. Joseph County, both cases and hospitalizations have continued to rise. With Notre Dame’s home opener two-and-a-half weeks away and full houses expected to return to Notre Dame Stadium, this isn’t exactly what many people hoping to take in the game-day experience in South Bend want to hear. For Douglas Farmer, Notre Dame’s NBC beat reporter, only one solution will do:

Farmer’s position hardly is a radical one. LSU, Oregon and Oregon State already have announced similar measures for fans planning to come to their games. With the Pfizer vaccine receiving full approval from the FDA earlier this week, it’s possible other schools will follow suit.

Do you believe a requirement for proof of vaccination or recent negative COVID test would be justified? Are the schools that already have implemented it overstepping their boundaries? Ultimately, Notre Dame has the final say on what it wants its fans to do. If it does anything, we should hear soon.