Dooley’s Dozen: 12 things that went right for Florida football in 2023

Amidst all of the doom and gloom surrounding Florida’s 2023 campaign, Pat Dooley gives you a dozen silver linings to reflect upon.

It wasn’t all bad. Am I right or am I right?

There were moments and there were thrills. There was hope and there were times when the fans were standing on their heads.

But the national college football media is having fun again at the expense of the Florida football program.

They keep swinging at the low-hanging fruit provided by the program that used to be a national power and is now mired with a third straight losing season.

What is this, Nebraska?

The Dooley’s Dozen wants to take it easy on the boys by giving you the 12 things that went right with Florida football this season. Don’t worry, the 12 things that went wrong are right around the corner.