Donald Trump dismisses Anthony Fauci’s bubble recommendation for NFL

Dr. Fauci warned that it may not be possible to have a 2020 NFL season.

The NFL’s chief medical officer and Dr. Anthony Fauci are at odds over the league’s plan for the 2020 NFL season, but after Fauci warned that a football season may not be possible, the NFL’s plan received a social media endorsement from President Donald Trump on Friday.

Earlier this week, NFL chief medical officer Dr. Allen Sills said that the league does not plan to replicate the NBA’s bubble environment, explaining that it wouldn’t be practical for the league. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, responded to the NFL’s plan in an interview with Sanjay Gupta, saying that “unless players are essentially in a bubble – insulated from the community and they are tested nearly every day – it would be very hard to see how football is able to be played this fall.”

On Thursday, Sills acknowledged Fauci’s concerns in a statement, but reiterated that the league is devising a plan “based on the collective guidance of public health officials, including the White House task force, the CDC, infectious disease experts and other sports leagues.”

Trump sounded off on the subject in a tweet, writing that “Tony Fauci has nothing to do with NFL Football.” Trump also repeated his claim that he will not watch the NFL later this year if players protest during the national anthem – as several stars have already pledged to do.


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