D.J. Moore reunited with former Panthers teammate Brian Burns by literally jumping into his arms

D.J. Moore REALLY missed Brian Burns.

Aside from a random Jason Kelce appearance and some odd 2024 draft implications, there wasn’t much for your average football fan to enjoy during the Chicago Bears’ Thursday night matchup with the Carolina Panthers.

But that same sentiment didn’t apply to two crucial figures for both teams: Bears star receiver D.J. Moore and Panthers franchise pass-rusher Brian Burns. Once teammates in Carolina, Moore was traded to Chicago last spring as part of the deal that helped the Panthers land Bryce Young with the No. 1 overall pick in the 2023 NFL Draft.

And when Moore finally saw Burns again on the sideline before the game in Chicago, he couldn’t help but explode with joy at seeing his friend again:

Awww. That’s just the best. Even in different cities on different teams, it’s apparent that Moore and Burns remain close friends. Shoot, I’d probably hug my pal the same if I hadn’t seen him in a while, too. Who wouldn’t?